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Our History

The idea for The House grew out of conversations among a group of men—black and white—from a few churches in the Washington, DC area. Rickey Bolden, Steve Fitzhugh, Ronald Johnson, Richard Schacht, and Lon Solomon met for more than a year, seeking ways to achieve racial healing within the church. As a result of their conversations, they decided that a ministry outreach to the poorest and most vulnerable teens in the District of Columbia would be their most effective witness. In 1999, The House was organized and became an affiliate under Ministry Alliance (formerly known as “Faith In The Family”).

In 2001, La Wonda Bornstein joined The House. In 2003 The House DC, Inc., was established as an independent 501(c)(3) corporation by La Wonda Bornstein, Frank Cofer, Steve Fitzhugh, Greg Holmes, Ronald Johnson, Jeff Palmucci, and Richard Schacht. Ownership of three properties located at 1600, 1606, and 1610 17th Street, S.E., Washington, DC was transferred to The House DC, Inc.